How to Become a Hacker: 14 Steps

How to Become a Hacker: 14 Steps

How to Become a Hacker: 14 Steps
It's not easy to be a hacker. But this article will give you some crucial steps to become a hacker. This article will focus on the skills and attitudes required to become a professional hacker. Breaking into a security system and breaking the system is not the only hacker's ability.

Tireless attitude and pure skill are the two pillars of becoming a master hacker. Knowledge of various computer science topics is essential, but knowing the big things that lie deep inside is the key to becoming a successful hacker.

Therefore, to become a hacker, it is imperative to encourage higher learning in the learning journey.

Here's a step-by-step guide on how to become a professional hacker; I do summarize and researching before this publishing to the public:

1. Read the book called Hacking Manifesto.
Becoming a hacker is not an easy task. As a hacker, you need attitude and curiosity. Reading a manifesto teaches a hacker attitude. Maintaining a hacker attitude is to develop language skills rather than a stereotypical attitude.

Although many people think that hackers are criminals, however, in real life, they employ large corporations to protect information and minimize the risk of loss. The process of hacking is actually to curb excessive curiosity and authority. As an aspiring hacker, you have to commit to violating authoritarian laws, privacy, and censorship. Fraud is another weapon you can use to avoid spies.

Stealing or injuring someone is not a hack—the same people who are commonly called crackers in society. Crackers are involved in illegal activities, and I do not recommend that you engage in such activities.

2. Learn the C language program.
C programming is an important language in computer programming. It is imperative to be a hacker. Dennis Ritchie was created this programming language between 1969 and 1973 at AT&T Bell Labs. C Programming will help you divide the work into smaller parts, and these fragments can be expressed in a sequence of commands.

There are millions of free C programming guides, e-books, and tutorials available on the Internet for reading; however, I would recommend you to start with a simple and well-written programming C-book of your choice and then read this book "C Programming Language by Brian W. Kernighan and Dennis M. Richie." unfortunately, this is in the English language, so those of you who do not understand English can translate it into the Urdu language with the internet's help, so that the real power of c language Understand, this book is not easy to understand. Still, you must read this book to get a deeper understanding of the C programming language.

3. Learn more than one programming language.
When you are trying to become a hacker, it is important to learn other modern computer programming languages ​​such as Java, Perl, PHP, and Python. One of the best ways to learn a language is to read expert books. It will also help you learn about data formats such as XML, HTML and JSON, Protocol Buffers, and other common ways of transferring data between clients and servers.

Java is the most popular programming language. Many companies claim that Java is also very secure. Knowing Java's security model will give you the strength to understand how the language achieves security. Learn about security loopholes in the Java language and related frameworks. Choose and read from the various free PDFs, tutorials, and e-books available for learning Java online.

Perl is a general-purpose dynamic programming language, high quality, and interpretable. This language takes many features from the C language. Java, on the other hand, is a coherent, class-based, and object-oriented programming language. Python can be really useful when you're trying to automate some repetitive tasks.

HTML is a markup language based on which web pages are designed, configured, and displayed. And all web browsers read HTML code to display the web page.

Python is the best language for web development, and many programmers' favorite language because of its simplicity. And many people use Python to perform simple and complex automation.

4. Learn UNIX.
UNIX is a multi-tasking and multi-user computer operating system designed to provide good security for the operating system. Developed by several AT&T employees at UNIX Bell Labs. The best way to learn UNIX is to try an open-source OS (such as CentOS) and install/run it on your machine. You can use the Internet without learning UNIX in today's advanced age, but you can never become an internet hacker without learning UNIX.

If you haven't used the Unix operating system at all, some essential Linux commands will make it easier for you to learn new things.

A brief introduction to Unix by Arnold Robbins is a book that will teach you how to use Unix.

The next thing you need to know is the inside of this operating system. I recommend the UNIX operating system's design by Maurice J. Bach so that there is an in-depth understanding of the Unix operating system.

Many large web servers are hosted on Unix-based servers, and knowing the ins and outs of this operating system will be a huge boost to your ability to become a hacker.

5. Learn about multiple operating systems.
In addition to UNIX, there are many other operating systems. Windows operating system is one of the most troublesome systems, so it is good to learn how to hack Microsoft system, which is a closed source or closed source system.

According to the National Weakness Database, there are several vulnerabilities in Microsoft's operating system.

The Windows OS installer is divided into binary, so reading code on your Windows system is not easy. Binary code is basically a digital representation of text and data that only computers can understand. However, learn how to write programs for the Windows system.

One of the new weaknesses of this popular OS is that the Java Web Start application can launch automatically even if the Java plugin is disabled. How to become a hacker by knowing the vulnerabilities of the operator system and systematically targeting them.

6. Learn network concepts.
The idea of a network is really needed when you want to be a hacker.

It is important to understand how networks are created, but you need to know the difference between different networks. To take advantage of the World Wide Web threats, it is important to have a clear understanding of the TCP / IP and UDP protocols.

Understand what Subnet, LAN, WAN, and VPN are.

Network commands are essential for making HTTP requests at your fingertips. The HTTP protocol is the gateway through which a person enters the world of the Internet. Therefore, it is important to learn this protocol to break down barriers. Hackers often use HTTP gateways to breach and control security systems.

Apache HTTP is one of the most used web servers in the world. Knowing and knowing Apache's ins and outs will empower you to attempt any HTTP or application layer protocol.

Nmap is a powerful network scanning tool used by professional security hackers worldwide to identify vulnerable hosts. However, to start using it effectively, you need to understand the basics of networking. To gain advanced expertise on Nmap, you can refer to a book by the Nmap Scanning Network creators: The Official Nmap Project Guide to Network Discovery and Security Scanning.

7. Get Started Easy Read some lessons about hacking.
This is the easiest and best way to get started as a professional hacker. Read as many lessons as you can about hacking. Asif's article will provide insight and help you to develop an attitude towards becoming a hacker. Some can be started with tutorials of Nmap, Nessus, and SuperScan, some hacking programs or tools commonly used by hackers. This tutorial is widely available on the Internet, available in text form and video tutorials that will answer all the questions you have on your mind to become a hacker.

8. Learn cryptography.
As a hacker, you need to understand and master the art of cryptography. Cryptography and encryption technologies are essential for the Internet and networks. It is the process and study of techniques used for secure communication in the presence of a third party. Encryption is used for various aspects of information protection, such as data confidentiality, data integrity, and authentication. Besides, cryptography technology is widely used in ATM cards, computer passwords, and e-commerce. During hacking, encrypted code needs to be broken, which is called decryption.

Cryptography is widely used in SSL Internet-based communications. An expert hacker should understand how SSL works and how important cryptography is important in keeping SSL secure.

Try reading about different encryption algorithms and see why they are difficult to decrypt. Take part in the challenge of decrypting strong encryption. A skilled hacker will be able to identify vulnerabilities in the encryption algorithm and write a program that demonstrates how decryption can occur without knowing much about the keys.

Understand the different techniques used for password cracking. There are dozens of tools available for cracking passwords. As a hacking expert, it is important to understand how to develop a program that can crack passwords from scratch.

9. Try a lot.
This is an important step in establishing yourself as an expert hacker. Own laboratory setup for a learning experience on practical applications. A simple laboratory loaded with your computer. As you progress, you'll want to add more computers and hardware needed for the experience.

It's a good idea to try it out on a personal computer, and you can fix it if you make a minor mistake. Many hackers start by downloading virtual lab applications such as Virtual Box. But to experience hacking into Oracle, you need at least 3 GB of RAM and a relatively high-speed processor on your computer. Setting up a virtual machine is important, as it allows you to check for viruses, applications, and servers without affecting your computer's performance or file system.

There are a few things you may need to keep in mind when experimenting.

Put backup data before the experiment. Start with the little things. You know when to stop. Documenting the progress of the experiment. Keep up the good work. Automate repetitive tasks.

10. Read some books from experts.
Reading will always increase your knowledge. Try to read as many books and articles as possible through ethics and corporate security hacking experts.

It is important to read a lot about anything relevant in the hacker world that you should also consider speeding up your reading. If your reading speed is slow, then you cannot make rapid progress in this area.

While reading a lot, it is also important to know that most of the web content is not worth your time. Many people use SEO tricks to attract traffic, but it doesn't matter. If you see an article in seconds and decide not to read it, it will save you a lot of time reading some really researched material.

11. Participate in hacking challenges.
Participating in hacking challenges regularly will help you to learn more and sharpen your knowledge. Many companies set up this challenge to test the weaknesses of their software products. The most common hacking challenges include breaches of system security software and control of third-party computer systems. Also, some of the websites listed below have the latest challenges that online hacking offers.

12. Write down the vulnerabilities you find.
A vulnerability of a program is a vulnerability of a program. This is a great way to find and share the risks in existing programs. This way, you will have the option to gather different types of feedback from different sources, allowing you to acquire the skills you have already acquired.

Examples of computer vulnerabilities include security breaches, input authentication errors, privilege bugs, and user interface failures. For example, the preview version of Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 contains a vulnerable bug that some hackers exploit.

Identifying new flaws in any software is a real hacker job.

13. Collaborate to open the Source Security project.
Collaborating on an open-source computer security project is a great platform to test your skills. Can't do all this. Many organizations, like Mozilla and Apache, offer this type of open source project. Try to be a part of this project and add valuable contributions for the benefit of the community.

Participate in the removal of open source security plans such as anti-spam, anti-virus, firewall, and data that will help you increase your alertness as a pro hacker.

Contribute to the risky results you find in a global vulnerability database and return it to the community.

Remember, it doesn't matter if your support is minimal; as long as you participate in it and add value, it will definitely help.

14. Keep learning.
The key to success is to keep learning how to become a hacker. Reading hacking blogs available on sites such as HackFormers blog and IKEA Hacker blogs, participating in forums like and Elite Hacking is a great way to update your knowledge as a hacker. Online video forums such as TED or TechTelk are good sources for more information on emerging hacking techniques and technologies. It would help if you also tried to follow the writings of famous hackers like Adrian Lamo, Kevin Mitnick, Kevin Poulsen, and Robert Tappan Morris.


Above are some complete steps that Asif Kamboh summarized about becoming a hacker and helping you become an expert hacker. However, you must be a mandatory and select citizen, ensuring that you do not use these capabilities for security breaches of key institutions, as they can endanger your life. It would help if you always remembered, there is always a counter hack tool for every hacking tool. Therefore, it is even more important to be a smart hacker to become a responsible hacker. Thank you, and I hope you find it useful.
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